Pharmacy Management Software
If you're looking for a way to make your pharmacy more efficient and effective, then our software is the answer. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering the perfect pharmacy management software solution for your business needs.

With Arch Pharmacy Management Software, you can achieve precise and expeditious control over your pharmacy’s operations

Smart Solution
Why Choose Arch Pharmacy Management Software?
It has various types of medicine & brand pre entered.
Automatic medicine entry using barcode scanning.
It has medicine low stock and expiry alert system, shelf and vendor management.
Robust Search Engine
Comprehensive Sales & Purchase Reports For Clear Insights Into Stock & Profits.

Pre Entered Datas
Arch Software Has A Vast Medicine Database, Including Many Brands, Generics, And Types.

20000+ Medicines
200+ Medicine Brands
1500+ Medicines Generic
150+ Medicine Types
Medicine Information
The Software Has 150+ Types Of Medicine & 200+ Brand Entries
Low Stock And Expired Medicine Alerts
Request For Medicine With Approval Process
Auto Medicine Entry Using Barcode Scanner In The Pharmacy Sales Menu Periodically
The Amount of Medicine Is Quickly Known From The Software
Medicine Bulk Update Options

Medicine Refund & Shelf Management
Medicine Return, Refund Management
Shelf And Supplier/Vendor Management